artistic illustration projects
Tomas Bases
1968 -Wuppertal, Deutschland
1969 -El Masnou, Barcelona
2004 -Alcalá de Guadaira, Seville

2020 ProjectWoodArt. First designs for wood illustrations.
Participation in the exhibition "Collectivecontemporary" Abartium Gallery, Vic (Barcelona) with six prints from the "Medieval Fantasy" collection. From 06/18/2022 to 07/9/2022
Participation in the exhibition "International Salon of Visual Arts". Barcelona Provincial Council, Montesquiu Castle, La cabaña and Abartium Galería Estudio, with six prints from the "Medieval Fantasy" collection. From 6 to 08/28/2022
Participation in the exhibition "Collective Art Contemporary” Winter-Christmas 2022 (Girona). Abartium Gallery (more information coming soon). Presentation of four wooden pieces from the WoodArt-2022 collection.
2023 Yoink illustrations for the project “My six-sided diamond”.
ddevelopment of the script “La Mano”, a historical and fantastic thriller.
2022 Illustrations for the project "My six-sided diamond"
Realization of new designs for wooden pieces.
2021Production of the series of pieces in wood WoodArt 2022
2020 Project WoodArt. First designs for illustrations on wood.
2019 Completion of the project "Loreta and the mirror"
Development of illustrations and animations for the traveling exhibition “Leonardo da Vinci” (La Caixa Foundation – Espiral d´Acer)

2018 Development and illustrations of the story for audiovisual about Leonardo da Vinci. Espiral d´Acer for La Caixa Foundation.
Illustrations of the story Put yourself in my place, by Juan Apolo.

2017 Publication of the illustrated story "I am fish I am bird I am worm" Diábolo Ediciones and realization of the animation of the same name based on said work and the collection of digital prints.
Illustrations and design of the video made for the exhibition "Templers, war and religion in Europe of the Croades" (from March 31 to July 23, 2017) at the Museum of History of Catalonia through the company Espiral d´Acer.
2016 Production of "I am a fish, I am a bird, I am a worm"
Production of audiovisuals for the exhibition "Templers: War and Religion in Europe of the Croades" at the History Museum of Catalonia, together with the company Espiral D´Hacer.

2015 Start of the project "I am a fish, I am a bird, I am a worm" in collaboration with Auca Digital and Dedalostudio SL
Design of characters and scenery for a play by the company Vuelta y Vuelta Teatro.

2014 Production of the short film Abriendo Puertas.
2013 Animations and creative development of interface for mobile application for CEO3.
Realization of the project "chinese princess"

2012 Creation of the illustrated story "The Rabbit Boy"
Participate in the making of a promotional video of the "La Casa del Xuklis" foundation for WESTERN PRODUCTIONS.

2011 Production of the animation pilot “La avioneta” with the Tumilete Volador team.

2010 Pre production of the audiovisual project Zoomatic.
Preproduction of the animated short film "Gloria in Excelsis"
Production of the video-presentation "Underwater" for BLUE BARCELONA.

2008 Direction of the 3D production, artistic direction and animation of the film "Wasahali", TV Movie produced by Fanàtik-Visual and MOVIC DIGITAL ENTERTAINMENT

2007 Collaborate with the Sevillian theater company TITIRIMUNDI TEATRO in the production of various audiovisuals for their show "El soldadito de plomo"
Production of the music video clip: “Last night I fell for Jenny”, by Malcolm Scarpa, covered by CABALLERO REYNALDO for Hall of Fame Records.
Creation of the third storyteller for the production company Fanatik-Visual: "Numira"
2005-2006 Motion-advertising graphics for Logos Publicidad SL
Production completion: "The Wasahali Road": 60-minute 3D animated film made for the theatrical show of the production company Fanatik-Visual.
Video presentation for FASCURT 2006 (El Masnou Short Film Festival).
2004 Second package of 25 chapters for the television series "Pinzellades d´art" .Program of the producer Benece.
Creation of the series "Dockers", with 39 chapters of half a minute of animation with 3D characters for ZOOTROP.
2003 Animation package for the Oceanographic Museum of Valencia.
Production of the cartoon chapter "Sasif and the witch Jaravulá" (30 minute short made in 3D), for FANATIK-VISUAL.
Production with the company Benece of the television art program “Pinzellades d´art”, with 25 episodes.
2001-2002 Production together with the company Zenit (Ricard Serra) of the astronomy television program “Nostranau”, produced by BENECE and broadcast by Televisión de Catalunya, with 180 chapters.
Participation in the realization of scenarios for the video game "Merlí i el Dragó" from the company Zenit (Ricard Serra).
Realization of the pilot "Empuries" for Wrinkle films.
2001 Sand begins the virtual reconstruction project of the Greek city of Empuries in collaboration with the "Museo Arqueologic de Catalunya".
Production of the pilot for the 3D cartoon series “Sun&Moon”
1999-2000 "Welcome on board" Two cartoon series (3D) for the company Interacción. Eighty-four animations lasting a minute and a half each.
Collaboration with the company Kinora in character animation for a Zipi-Zape video game.
Synthetic image classes in the Audiovisual Communication degree at Pompeu Fabra University (Barcelona).
1999 Collaboration with GAELCO in the development of the videogame screens for sr Radikal Bikers.
Creation of stereoscopic plans of various Spanish cities for the company Interface, SL
1997-2000. Infographic illustrations as free-lance for various multimedia collections of the following companies: Grupo CEAC, Home Englih, Costaisa, Asepeyo, EDS, Vicens Vives, Grupo Fihoca, Factoría de Artes Digitales.
1998-1999 Creation, together with Ricard Serra (Zenit) of several 3D animation packages for Ed. Planeta and Ed. Agostini, as well as several demos of their ADN program.
1993-1994. Realization of the design and all the graphics (2 D.) of the games Genix Family and Pirates for arcade boards; produced by IDE, Research and Electronic Developments.